Tuesday 25 March 2008

The changes.

Here are the changes I've made to my front cover.
I really didn't like how it was looking, so I decided to change it
completely. That was a setback for me but its just something that had to
be done. So yeah!

Sunday 23 March 2008


Well have been workin on the Media Mag coursework for some time now..and realised that I've done most things exept my article..Im soo stressed..On many occasions as i have started writing it out..i ended up scrapping it..realizing that i was chattin complete NONSENSE..Well im also having problems when decidint what i actuallt want to write about..I tried writing about guys style..Wasnt a great choice..So i need your Help with the choice of a topic...These are some choices..Which 1 would you be most interested in readin aboutquestion mark
Selection of topics:
4.Guys Style
5.An interview with a Boxer

Reply ASAP please


Friday 7 March 2008

Relationships Article.

Life’s good, things are going right for you, you’re having fun, you’re pretty happy but there’s one thing missing, that fantastic relationship with the perfect girlfriend. Sometimes you think things are going the way you want but, something always happens and it goes the complete opposite direction. So what you men what to know is what are the secrets to winning over the perfect girl without losing friends in the process and also a girl’s point of view, helping you understand what she likes and dislikes. There are firstly the very basics to what every girl wants in a guy. Good personality, good looking, kind, trust worthy, great sense of humour and good sense of style. But although those could be classed as the main interests for women, it does get a little deeper from here. A real lady wants a relationship full of excitement, adventure or simply something different from the typical bloke. So what are the secrets to having a flawless exciting relationship? After asking a couple of girls and guys what they felt were essential for a relationship I came to find the there was a recurring answer which happened to be trust. And it’s true, what is a relationship without trust? Nothing, trust is the foundation of making a relationship a success. After speaking to the people I interviewed, three out of four said their biggest problem was being able to trust someone. “I’ve had my trust abused many times, and it just becomes harder to let down my guard and allow someone else in”. So what is it a guy can do to build this trust bridge between him and this potential girlfriend? Here is what is believed to work “It’s very important that you are truthful to one another, because lying doesn’t get you anywhere. It just makes matters worse, so be truthful from the start and if problems start to occur it will become easier to work them out” Another response was “Make her feel secure, tell her she looks pretty, tell her what you like about her, learn what her interests are and just be the perfect gentlemen.”

Most guys look for that girl who can accept them for who they are and who can always be around for them. Women look for more or less the same thing and are most women are more capable of both exciting, fun and outgoing yet at the same time are able to be serious, calm and understanding when necessary. So what’s the problem then? There can be a number of problems for why some couples can’t hold onto relationships. As mentioned before trust or the lack of it, can be a reason for failure, lack of time spent together, the problem of simply losing interest or even the more intense issue of losing friends during the process of making a relationship work. One of the guys I spoke to informed me on how friendships can be just as demanding as relationships. The difficult part was balancing them out and making sure nobody was being left out. “It’s always nice to spend time with your girlfriend, but it’s hard when your best friend wants to hang out with you as well”. According to this person some of the solutions were, making plans to include both sides, making sure that they kept in contact with each person and to make sure nobody felt they got less attention. So that’s one thing that can go towards a healthier relationship. What about the things that women look for in guys? What specific personalities match and which don’t, what are the right moves and which ones just push the ladies away. Well to help you guys out I spoke to two quite different young women who feel, they know exceptionally well about how relationships should work and what qualities are essential from their perfect choice of guy. The first told me about how in general if she saw a good looking guy she would be attracted to him, “but I wouldn’t be easily fooled into thinking he’s great by just looking at him, I would take the time out into getting to know him a little bit and If I liked the sound of what he’s saying I would usually take it further”. The second lady I spoke to, gave a deeper answer to what she felt was essential from a guy “I need someone who can take the time out for me and make sure they understand what I’m going through at all times” Everybody agreed with what she said, which proved that there are just some things that are more important to certain individuals than most things.

Thursday 6 March 2008

Heres our questionnaire.


1) What do you think is a reasonable price for a men’s lifestyle magazine?

1) £1.50-£2.00

2) £2.20-2.50

3) £.3.50-£4.00

2) How often should the magazine be released?

o Once a week
o Once a fortnight
o One a month

3) What do you think should be included in the magazine?

o Fashion Tips
o Insight into girl’s lifestyle
o Pictures of girls/models
o Pictures of Men

4) What would you consider to be an interesting topic that should be discussed?

o What girls find attractive in guys?
o How guys should be treated by girls?
o How to make a relationship work?
o Moving on in life e.g. leaving for University.

5) What should the cover of the magazine have on it?

o Pictures of a girl
o Pictures of a girl
o Pictures of guys
o Picture of a guy.

6) What else should be on the magazine cover?

o Information of what will be in the issue.
o Nothing it should be simple.
o Bold and bright colours
o A simple title
o A big and bold title

Wednesday 5 March 2008


We have conducted a questionnaire and asked for them to be filled out. We gave it to 10 random boys and girls between the age of 16-19 years old. We asked general questions such as, how much would they pay for a meagaszine, how often should the magazine be released etc. Here below is the actual questionnaire that was given:
By Tav, anneka, raessa and kristina